Order of Header Components

The header of the Calendar component can be arranged in a specific order using the headerOrder prop. The headerOrder prop should be an array containing one or more of the following values:

RIGHT_BUTTON: A button that appears on the right side of the header. This button is typically used for navigating to the next month or year.

MONTH_YEAR: A display of the current month and year in the center of the header. This element is typically used to provide context for the calendar.

YEAR_MONTH: A display of the current year and month in the center of the header. This element is similar to MONTH_YEAR, but with the year displayed before the month.

LEFT_BUTTON: A button that appears on the left side of the header. This button is typically used for navigating to the previous month or year.

The default value of headerOrder is ['LEFT_BUTTON', 'MONTH_YEAR', 'RIGHT_BUTTON'], which arranges the header elements in a typical order for a calendar.

To customize the order of the header elements, pass an array of the desired element names to the headerOrder prop. For example, to display the MONTH_YEAR element first, followed by the LEFT_BUTTON and RIGHT_BUTTON buttons, you could use the following code:

  headerOrder={["MONTH_YEAR", "LEFT_BUTTON", "RIGHT_BUTTON"]} 

Separator Between Month & Year

The monthYearSeparator prop is used to specify the character that appears between the month and year elements in the Calendar header. By default, the monthYearSeparator value is ', '

To add a separator character, pass a string value to the monthYearSeparator prop. For example, to use a vertical bar (|) as the separator, you can use the following code:


Custom Month & Year In Header

  formatMonth={(month, year) => {
    return "Month " + month;
  formatYear={(year, month) => {
    return "Year " + year;

Disabling Navigate Buttons

You can set the buttons prop to false, to disable the navigation buttons.


Custom Navigation Buttons (function)

You can render your favorite element instead of the default buttons.

For this purpose, you can do one of the following methods:

  renderButton={(direction, handleClick) => (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>
      {direction === "right" ? ">" : "<"}

Custom Navigation Buttons (component)

You can also get disabled value from the props ,if you have set a min or max date to limit the calendar or date picker.


.cursor-pointer {
  cursor: pointer;

.cursor-default {
  cursor: default;


import { Calendar } from "react-multi-date-picker";

function CustomButton({ direction, handleClick, disabled }) {
  return (
        padding: "0 10px",
        fontWeight: "bold",
        color: disabled ? "gray" : "blue"
      className={disabled ? "cursor-default" : "cursor-pointer"}
      {direction === "right" ? ">" : "<"}

export default function Example(){
  return (
      minDate={new Date()} 
      renderButton={<CustomButton />} 