
You can customize your calendar days with the mapDays Prop and create different properties for each of them by returning the Props you want.

In general, this is how it works :

  mapDays={object => {
    return { props }

The object which is received as an argument, contains following properties :


The Date is being rendered

selectedDateDateObject or Array

according to the calendar mode (single, multiple, or range), the type of selected date can be a DateObject or Array of DateObjects


the month that the user has selected and is displayed in the calendars header. (it can be different from the month of selected date)


it returns the comparison between the day, month, and year of two DateObjects.

As you know you can destructure the received object and pick each property that you want as follows :

{ date, today, selectedDate, currentMonth, isSameDate }

*Please note that none of the properties inside the object should be changed, as this will cause the calendar to malfunction.

For example, if we change the day of all the rendering dates to today, it will result in an unpleasant outcome.

  mapDays={({ date, today }) => { =

The Props you return can contain all the Props that a span element accepts, plus two other properties that I have added to them, which are:

  • disabled
  • hidden

Here are some examples of things that can be performed using mapDays:

Styling Days

  mapDays={({ date, today, selectedDate, currentMonth, isSameDate }) => {
    let props = {} = {
      borderRadius: "3px",
      backgroundColor: date.month.index === currentMonth.index ? "#ccc" : ""

    if (isSameDate(date, today)) = "green"
    if (isSameDate(date, selectedDate)) = {,
      color: "#0074d9",
      backgroundColor: "#a5a5a5",
      fontWeight: "bold",
      border: "1px solid #777"

    return props

Styling Weekends

For convenience, the 'highlight highlight-red' class is included in CSS files, so you do not need to import it.

  mapDays={({ date }) => {
    let props = {}
    let isWeekend = [0, 6].includes(date.weekDay.index)
    if (isWeekend) props.className = "highlight highlight-red"
    return props

See Also:

plugins #weekends:-gregorian

Custom Highlight

  mapDays={({ date }) => {
    let color
    if ([4, 5, 6, 7].includes( color = "green"
    if ([11, 12, 13, 14].includes( color = "red"
    if (color) return { className: "highlight highlight-" + color }

Disabling Days

  mapDays={({ date }) => {
    let isWeekend = [0, 6].includes(date.weekDay.index)
    if (isWeekend) return {
      disabled: true,
      style: { color: "#ccc" },
      onClick: () => alert("weekends are disabled")

Hiding Days

  mapDays={({ date }) => {
    let props = {}
    if ([5, 10, 15, 20, 25].includes( props.hidden = true
    return props

Multiple Day-Numbers With Different Calendars & Locales

By using the children property, you can replace the desired 'value' or 'component' with the default value (day number).

import persian from "react-date-object/calendars/persian";
import persian_fa from "react-date-object/locales/persian_fa";
  mapDays={({ date }) => {
    const newDate = new DateObject(date).convert(persian, persian_fa)

    return {
      children: (
            display: "flex",
            flexDirection: "column",
            padding: "0 10px",
            fontSize: "11px",
          <div style={{ textAlign: "start" }}>{date.format("D")}</div>
          <div style={{ textAlign: "end" }}>{newDate.format("D")}</div>


.multi-locale-days .rmdp-day {
  width: 40px;
  height: 40px;

Adding Tiltle to Days

In the example below the title has been added to today, yesterday and tomorrow.

  mapDays={({ date, today }) => {
    let props = {}
    let result = date.toDays() - today.toDays()
    if (result === -1) props.title = "Yesterday"
    if (result === 0) props.title = "Today"
    if (result === 1) props.title = "Tomorrow"
    return props

Custom Tooltip

A little trick to add a custom tooltip.

import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
import DatePicker from "react-multi-date-picker";

export default function Example(){
  return <DatePickerWithTooltip />

function DatePickerWithTooltip() {
  const [data, setData] = useState({});
  const ref = useRef();

  return (
        containerStyle={{ position: "relative" }}
        mapDays={({ date, today }) => {
          let result = date.toDays() - today.toDays();
          let title;

          if (result === -1) title = "Yesterday";
          if (result === 0) title = "Today";
          if (result === 1) title = "Tomorrow";

          return {
            onMouseOver: (e) => {
              let spanRect =;
              let calendarRect = ref.current

                left: spanRect.left - calendarRect.left,
                top: -,
                visible: title ? true : false,
            onMouseLeave: () => {
                visible: false,
            position: "absolute",
            left: 0,
            top: 0,
            backgroundColor: "white",
            border: "1px solid #ccc",
            boxShadow: "0 0 5px #ccc",
            borderRadius: "5px",
            padding: "3px 5px",
            fontSize: "14px",
            transform: `translate(${data.left}px, ${ + 30}px)`,
            visibility: data.visible ? "visible" : "hidden",